preparing for the year

A new year is upon us.  Our second year of homeschooling begins on Monday.  My plan is to start slow and work up to all the subjects being added in by the second week of school.  Our room is set up and ready to go.  I am super excited about our new space in our new state but I also miss our cozy little space in our old house.  I hope the girls are able to adjust well to this new year in an all new place.

We have a table beside our white board and calendar to do our group work together on…we will do Bible, history, and art here together.

group table
Next to our group table is our mini classroom library.  This summer I got organized with our books and placed them in these colorful bins and organized them with labels.  Each book has a matching label on the back that corresponds with the bin it belongs to so the girls can easily put the books back in the correct place.

Beside the group nook are the little ducks’ desks.  M&M and Blondie Pie have desks to do math and handwriting alone so they don’t distract each other during their independent work.  And Jazzy, of course, got her own desk so she wouldn’t feel left out…she will need it in a year or so anyway. : )

M&M’s desk

three little desks for my three little ducks.
Right now I see a full year of learning unfurling before me and I am so excited.  I am excited for what the girls will learn, for what I will learn, and for what cherished moments we will spend together.  I am so thankful that I have been given this opportunity to be my girls’ teacher.  It is a thrilling experience ripe with immense responsibilities and I am so glad to face it together with them.  I know there will be challenging days ahead right alongside the easy days but I can’t wait to begin!
Linking up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

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